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John Smith,

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#1 27.06.2017 14:45:31


Alba Iulia 18.4.1944


Would appreciate expert opinion on following
regarding the event as into attack on Romanian
ship Alba Iulia on April 18,1944.

1. From what base in Crimean 13th GvMRAP departed , Sokologornoe or Skadovsk ?

2. From what base in Crimean 5th GMTAP departed ?
    From what base 36 MTAP departed ?

3. There seems that also several 6 X PE-2 were involved
   on the 5 sorties on that day , were they torpedo equipped ?

4. What were the coordinates of Alba Iulia ?

5. Was there any air raid on 19.4.44 over the Romanian
    convoy and what were the Soviet losses if any  ?

6. Did Alba Iulia losses included 500 Soviet POW's as mentioned by
    Romanian sources , though Torpedo Morozov indicate 350 POW's

So is there a possibility that the Soviet pilots did not want to hit
the target due to human factor involved this because the repeated
attacks on the Alba Iulia eventhough defended by AA  were very
poor .

Alex K

Отредактированно arrow1 (28.06.2017 15:13:29)

#2 03.08.2017 16:45:09

Botik Petra Velikogo
anna3 stas3b
Сообщений: 10313

Re: Alba Iulia 18.4.1944

Извините, только сейчас заметил этот пост.

arrow1 написал:

1. From what base in Crimean 13th GvMRAP departed , Sokologornoe or Skadovsk ?

Правильное название части - 13-й гвардейский дальнебомбардировочный полк. В период Крымской операции он базировался на аэродроме Геленджик.

arrow1 написал:

2. From what base in Crimean 5th GMTAP departed ?
    From what base 36 MTAP departed ?

5 гмтап - Сокологорное, 36-й мтап - Скадовск

arrow1 написал:

3. There seems that also several 6 X PE-2 were involved
   on the 5 sorties on that day , were they torpedo equipped ?

Пе-2 никогда не несли торпедного вооружения.

arrow1 написал:

5. Was there any air raid on 19.4.44 over the Romanian
    convoy and what were the Soviet losses if any  ?

Потери составили 2 А-20.

arrow1 написал:

6. Did Alba Iulia losses included 500 Soviet POW's as mentioned by
    Romanian sources , though Torpedo Morozov indicate 350 POW's

Торпедо Морозов не помнит, чтобы когда-то писал, что на этом судне погибло 350 пленных.

arrow1 написал:

So is there a possibility that the Soviet pilots did not want to hit
the target due to human factor involved this because the repeated
attacks on the Alba Iulia eventhough defended by AA  were very
poor .

Ничего такого не было.

"Вранье и ложь в пропаганде, агитации и печати дискредитируют партийно-политическую работу, флотскую печать и наносят исключительный вред делу большевистского воспитания масс".

Из директивы заместителя Наркома ВМФ СССР и Начальника Главного политического управления ВМФ армейского комиссара 2 ранга И.В. Рогова.

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